Integrating Stripe with Nitric

What we'll be doing

Creating a Stripe checkout backed by a Nitric API. This API will be completely compatible with Stripe's checkout components, and can be deployed to the cloud of you choice.

  1. Add stripe to the project
  2. Create handler for checkout sessions
  3. Create a webhook for dealing with stripe events
  4. Run locally for testing
  5. Deploy to a cloud of your choice


Getting started

We'll start by creating a new project for our API.

nitric new nitric-stripe ts-starter

Next, open the project in your editor of choice.

code nitric-stripe

Make sure all dependencies are resolved with npm.

npm install

The scaffolded project should have the following structure:

| +-- hello.ts
| ...

Add stripe to your project

We will need the stripe module from npm to build the stripe backend.

npm install stripe

We will also add a utils file for our stripe object and some environment variables. We'll put ours in common/utils.ts

import Stripe from 'stripe'
import dotenv from 'dotenv'
export const stripeWebhookSecret = process.env.STRIPE_WEBHOOK_SECRET
export const stripe = new Stripe(process.env.STRIPE_API_KEY, {
apiVersion: '2020-08-27',
appInfo: {
name: 'Nitric Stripe Integration',
version: '0.1.0',

As we will be storing our environment variables in a .env file, we will use the dotenv module from npm.

npm install dotenv

Using dotenv.config() will load the environment variables into process.env so we can use them in the code without directly hard coding it.

The Stripe webhook secret is for verifying that events are coming from stripe and not a third party. The Stripe object is for using the Stripe API under the hood.

Create handler for checkout sessions

We'll first create a handler for creating checkout sessions. We will define a POST route, where a request containing a list of price ids and quantities will return a checkout session url. You can then redirect the user to the session.

There is also an optional choice for a success and cancel url for where to redirect the user after the checkout has been completed.

import { api } from '@nitric/sdk'
import { stripe } from '../common/utils'
const paymentApi = api('payments')
interface Item {
price: string // The price id
quantity: number
type CheckoutRequest = { items: Item[] }'/create-checkout-session', async (ctx) => {
const { items } = ctx.req.json() as CheckoutRequest
try {
const session = await stripe.checkout.sessions.create({
line_items: item,
mode: 'payment',
success_url: `{YOUR_DOMAIN}/success?session_id={CHECKOUT_SESSION_ID}`,
cancel_url: `https://{YOUR_DOMAIN}/cancel`,
ctx.res.body = session.url
return ctx
} catch (err) {
ctx.res.body = `An error occurred: ${err}`
ctx.res.status = 500
return ctx

Create webhook for stripe events

Creating a webhook that connects to stripe means that you can have reactive logic for when certain events occur. For this example, we are going to only handle checkout.session.completed events. However, there is a full list of event types here.

This route is simple, but quite long. We will break it down, but here is the full example:

import { api } from '@nitric/sdk';
import Stripe from 'stripe';
import { stripe, stripeWebhookSecret } from '../common/utils';
...'/webhook', async (ctx) => {
const buf = Buffer.from(;
const sig = ctx.req.headers["stripe-signature"];
let event: Stripe.Event;
try {
if (!sig || !stripeWebhookSecret) {
ctx.res.status = 400;
ctx.res.body = "No sig or webhook secret";
event = stripe.webhooks.constructEvent(buf, sig, stripeWebhookSecret)
} catch (err) {
ctx.res.status = 400;
ctx.res.body = `Webhook Error: ${err.message}`;
return ctx;
event = stripe.webhooks.constructEvent(buf, sig, stripeWebhookSecret)
} catch (err) {
ctx.res.status = 400;
ctx.res.body = `Webhook Error: ${err.message}`;
return ctx;
try {
switch (event.type) {
case "checkout.session.completed":
ctx.res.status = 200;
ctx.res.body = `Successfully completed checkout`
throw new Error(`Unhandled event of type: ${event.type}`);
} catch (err) {
ctx.res.status = 400;
ctx.res.body = 'Webhoook error: "Webhook handler failed. View logs"';
return ctx;
const handleOrder = (session: Stripe.Event.Data) => {
//Fill this in for handling the order.

The first step is to verify that the event signature is correct, thus validating that the event came from Stripe. We extract the stripe-signature from the request headers, then compare the signature against our Stripe webhook secret. The webhook secret comes from the environment variables and can be set when we start testing. We use the stripe.webhooks.constructEvent function for doing this comparison. It will throw an error if it runs into an error.

const buf = Buffer.from(
const sig = ctx.req.headers['stripe-signature']
let event: Stripe.Event
try {
if (!sig || !stripeWebhookSecret) {
ctx.res.status = 400
ctx.res.body = 'No sig or webhook secret'
event = stripe.webhooks.constructEvent(buf, sig, stripeWebhookSecret)
} catch (err) {
ctx.res.status = 400
ctx.res.body = `Webhook Error: ${err.message}`
return ctx

After the event is constructed, we can write the logic to handle it based on the type. This will compare the event type in a switch statement. In this case, we only have the event type checkout.session.completed, but this is where you would put further event handling features.

try {
switch (event.type) {
case 'checkout.session.completed':
ctx.res.status = 200
ctx.res.body = `Successfully completed checkout`
throw new Error(`Unhandled event of type: ${event.type}`)
} catch (err) {
ctx.res.status = 400
ctx.res.body = 'Webhoook error: "Webhook handler failed. View logs"'
return ctx

Once we know its a checkout completed event, the session data is passed to the handleOrder function to fulfill the order. This part will be very dependent on your particular business case.

function handleOrder() {
// Fulfill the order however you want. Some ideas are:
// 1. Send data down your shipping pipeline.
// 2. Send the user a notification.
// 3. Connect your own database and store the order details.

Run it!

Now that you have an API defined with a handler and the webhook, it's time to test it out locally.

Test out your application with the nitric start command:

nitric start

Testing the Checkout Session

If we want to test a checkout session, we can use any cURL, postman, or any other HTTP client.

We first need to create a product in Stripe. This will create a price_id which we can then use in the following command:

curl -X POST \
localhost:4001/create-checkout-session \
-d '{"items": [{ "price": "price_<ID>", "quantity": "1" }]}'

This will return a stripe checkout url. Once you navigate to this page, you will have a checkout. Enter the test credit card details and it will redirect you to the success url you specified when constructing the checkout session.

Testing the Stripe Webhook

We can use the Stripe CLI for testing the webhook works. Run the following command for forwarding all stripe events to your API endpoint:

stripe listen --forward-to localhost:4001/webhook
Ready! You are using Stripe API Version [2020-08-27]. Your webhook signing secret is whsec_<UNIQUE_ID> (^C to quit)

We can then trigger events in a separate terminal, using:

stripe trigger checkout.session.completed

We should then see in our stripe listen terminal logs that it has received requests.

Deploy to the cloud

Once it has been tested, you can start deploying to the cloud.

Setup your credentials and any other cloud specific configuration:

Create your stack. This is an environment configuration file for the cloud provider for which your project will be deployed.

nitric stack new

To deploy the stack run the following command:

nitric up

To undeploy run the following command:

nitric down
Last updated on Oct 18, 2024