
1. System Context

Developers use Nitric to define required websites within their application.

  • App code uses the Website resource defined in nitric.yaml to specify the websites and their configurations.
  • Developers can configure base path, index pages, error pages, and other settings in their nitric.yaml file.
  • When a website is defined, a single CDN endpoint is automatically created to serve the website content globally, including APIs as proxies.

Operations use default or overridden IaC (e.g., Terraform modules) to provision the necessary resources for their target cloud.

Example AWS Provider
  • AWS S3 serves as the storage backend for static files (e.g., HTML, CSS, JS, images).
  • AWS CloudFront is used to distribute the website globally and serve as a single entry point for the whole application.
  • AWS IAM providers roles for access to the Website bucket
Upload Assets
Create CDN
Serve Static Files
Rewrite /api/* to API
nitric up
AWS S3 Bucket
AWS CloudFront
AWS API Gateway
Example Azure Provider
  • Static Website in Azure Blob Storage serves as the storage backend for static files (e.g., HTML, CSS, JS, images).
  • Azure Front Door is used to distribute the website globally and serve as a single entry point for the whole application.
Upload Assets
Create CDN
Serve Static Files
Rewrite /api/* to API
nitric up
Azure Storage
Azure Front Door
Azure API Management

2. Sequence

Build Sequence

Below is the sequence of events that occur when a developer registers a website with Nitric:

nitric.yamlNitric CLINitric Provider(plugin)IaC (e.g. Terraform)Parse website configurationForward Nitric SpecProvision WebsiteProvision IAMnitric.yamlNitric CLINitric Provider(plugin)IaC (e.g. Terraform)

3. Component

Website Module

  • Deploys website assets to a cloud-based storage solution for flexible and scalable hosting.
  • Configures a distribution layer to serve the site globally, rewriting API endpoints to /api/{apiName} for consistent routing.
  • Automatically invalidates the cache based on file changes, ensuring users always receive the latest content.

4. Code

Developers write yaml configuration to define the website and implement logic to serve static files.

Nitric website configuration - nitric.yaml

name: service-name
- match: ./services/*.js
start: npm run dev:services $SERVICE_PATH
runtime: node
dockerfile: ./node.dockerfile
args: {}
# The website configuration
- basedir: ./my-website
index: index.html
error: 404.html
command: npm run build
output: ./dist
command: npm run dev -- --port 4322
url: http://localhost:4322

Access an API from the website frontend

async function fetchData() {
// due to apis being served from the same domain thanks to rewrites, no CORS is required
const response = await fetch('/api/main/hello')
const data = await response.json()

Operations will use or extend the Nitric infrastructure modules, including both Terraform and Pulumi:

Last updated on Mar 5, 2025