Bring the Python experience to cloud infrastructure

Focus on your code, then deploy to AWS, GCP, or Azure with a single command. Nitric inspects your Python app and auto-provisions the right infrastructure and config.

Write application code, not YAML.

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Config that matches the succinctness of Python.

Nitric provides the same focus on code (not semantics) that we love about Python. Declare your intent in your code and Nitric determines what cloud resources and config your app needs.

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Secure, scalable functions from day one.

Build with your favourite Python libraries (SciPy, NumPy, etc.) and Nitric will automatically create the right policies and permissions so you can deploy to your cloud in minutes.

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Analyze your data in any cloud.

Your Python expertise is all you need to get the benefits of the best managed services in AWS, GCP and Azure. Nitric makes serverless deployment to the cloud of your choice simple and flexible.

‘‘Nitric is indeed an amazing service, our team spent a lot of time deploying and debugging multiple lambda's, especially on testing AWS with Pulumi, Nitric's out of the box and 0 configuration was a great fit for us.’’
- Witt at Mest
‘‘Building my multi-tenant solution with Nitric freed me up to focus on the application code instead of how to deploy infrastructure for scale and configure each of the cloud services to work correctly. Nitric saved me weeks of effort on infrastructure, and their hot-reloading let me rapidly iterate my code during local development.’’
- Shafat at SRH Engineering
‘‘This is hands down the best serverless experience yet.’’
- @baadc0de at Nitric's Discord

Infrastructure from Code

Quickly build cloud applications by defining infrastructure while you write your code.


Design your app

Start building without worrying about cloud service capabilities. Nitric lets you easily change cloud and infrastructure decisions over time.

Plus, you can easily extend the open source framework with your own plug-ins.

diagram showing some of the cloud resources supported by Nitric.

Write code

Abstraction lets you code in Python using familiar patterns. Leverage the serverless features you need, debug locally to develop without interruptions, and write tests for your app and infrastructure in the same codebase.

from nitric.resources import apifrom nitric.application import Nitric
helloApi = api("main")

@helloApi.get("/hello/:name")async def hello_world(ctx):    name = ctx.req.params['name']
    ctx.res.body = f"Hello {name}"

Deploy with a self-provisioning runtime

Nitric auto-provisions the right infrastructure for your application in AWS, Azure or Google Cloud. Deploy from code with a single command or integrate your CI/CD.

Try our new platform Nitric Deploy to get push-to-deploy from GitHub.

Amazon Web Services logoGoogle Cloud Platform logoMicrosoft Azure logo
Diagram showing identification of cloud resources from code

Putting the dev back in cloud development

DX is a core value of the Nitric framework. We're building to help developers unlock cloud advantages despite increasing complexity.

Reduce infrastructure maintenance needs
Faster time to deployment
Free from thinking about cloud services and limitations
Delay cloud and infrastructure decisions

Get Started

Ready to spend your time coding instead of configuring IAM?