Build for the cloud with Dev speed and Ops confidence

You don't have to trade team productivity for infrastructure control. With Nitric, your developers build cloud-aware applications, your Platform team decide the right infrastructure and policies, and Nitric automates provisioning that works for both.

Easily define and maintain your internal developer platform

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Reduce platform complexity by giving your team cloud-native best practices by default

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Unlock developer productivity by keeping application and deployment architecture decoupled

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Achieve security, reliability, and scalability by automating infrastructure consistency

Nitric is a bridge for Developer and Platform teams

Nitric drives organizational velocity by allowing teams to work independently, and it fits in alongside your existing Ops tools.

Our plug-ins, reference architectures and templates get your team started quickly, with best practices
Auto-provisioning turns your requirements into cloud resources and policies
Cloud state documentation lets you audit at any time

Developers focus on building your application

import { api, topic } from '@nitric/sdk';import { newUser } from '@lib/user';
const userEvts = topic('user:new').for('publishing');
const publicApi = api('public');'/users', async (ctx) => {  // create a user  const user = await newUser(;  // publish an event  await userEvts.publish({    payload: user,  });});

While Ops make strategic tech decisions

Diagram showing identification of cloud resources from code

Nitric automates your deployment,

enforcing policies and best practices

Amazon Web Services logoGoogle Cloud Platform logoMicrosoft Azure logo
Diagram showing identification of cloud resources from code

Level up software delivery timelines and quality

Empower developers to stay focused on application architecture
Detect and fix infrastructure issues at integration, not deploy time
Automate security and compliance policy checks
Easily deploy to multiple target environments, including across clouds
Change tech over time to optimize costs, without code rework

Free your team to focus on innovation, not cloud complexity